Community Conduct Rules

Last Updated: 2024-01-17

Community Conduct Rules

In order to create a positive and engaging environment for users among our Celestial Equine players, we ask all users to treat each other with respect. Users may disagree with an idea; however, they must be respectful of others at all times. If you do not understand, do not follow, or do not agree with these rules, then please do not use our community features (forum, Discord, Game mail, etc.).



  1. Insults, threats or harassment (but not limited to) of other users or staff are prohibited.

  • An insult is an expression or statement which is disrespectful or scornful. Insults may be intentional or accidental. An insult may be factual, but at the same time pejorative, such as the word "inbred".

  • A threat is a communicated intent to inflict harm or loss on another person. A common type of threat forbidden by law are those made with an intent to obtain a monetary advantage or to compel a person to act against his or her will.

  • A harassment is behavior that demeans, humiliates or embarrasses a person, and it is characteristically identified by its unlikelihood in terms of social and moral reasonableness. In the legal sense, these are behaviors that appear to be disturbing, upsetting or threatening. They evolve from discriminatory grounds, and have an effect of nullifying a person's rights or impairing a person from benefiting from their rights. When these behaviors become repetitive, they can also be defined as bullying. The continuity or repetitiveness and the aspect of distressing, alarming or threatening may distinguish it from insult.

  • Bullying is the use of force, coercion, or threat, to abuse, aggressively dominate or intimidate. The behavior is often repeated and habitual.

  • Trolling a person who starts flame wars or intentionally upsets people on the Internet by posting inflammatory and digressive, extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses and normalizing tangential (erratic) discussion, either for the troll's amusement or a specific gain.

  1. Ganging up on another player because of a disagreement is strictly prohibited. If you have a disagreement with another player simply cease contact with the player. Do not instigate or perpetuate drama, do not inflame drama.

  2. Celestial Equine will not tolerate and reserves its right to delete any post or comment that:
    1. are defamatory, indecent, hateful, racist, xenophobic, homophobic, sexist, disgraceful, vulgar or inappropriate;
    2. encourage or suggest illegal activity and unintelligible or irrelevant posts.

  3. Users may not post or distribute files, articles or other information subject to trademark, copyright, or other proprietary rights, except with the express consent of the owner of the rights.

  4. All instructions from Admins/Mods must be followed at all times, without arguing. This applies especially to warnings or reminders sent by staff after you broke a rule. The staff is here to ensure the best gaming experience for everybody. We are making the game, and we are the highest authority in the game.

  5. You may not discuss staff decisions regarding disciplinary actions in public. This rule relates to our moderating and rule enforcing practices and does not apply to constructive criticism, feedback, or discussions about game features. If you are not in agreement with a moderating practice, please reach out to us privately and we will talk about it together.

  6. Do not negatively comment on or bash Staff Members, the Game, or the Rules/Terms Of Service/Privacy Policy.

  7. Do not talk negatively about other members whether you list them by name or not. Talking about other members, even without stating their name, could lead to hurt feelings, drama, or the feeling of harassment.

  8. Do not minimod. If you witness someone breaking the rules please take screenshots of what is happening and report it to an admin or moderator. Do not take it upon yourself to explain the rules to other players.

  9. Please behave like an adult at all times.

  10. We require all content of our game to be accessible to all of our community. Since our players come from many different countries and speak many languages, we decided on English as our main language for this game. This also helps our moderating team to reinforce the rules for everybody in the same way.

    A. This rule includes user profiles, avatars, banners, and all other artwork, the forum, Discord, and any and all other areas where you can enter text or add a picture.

    B. Translations, for example having a user profile in English and in Spanish, are not allowed.

    C. Exceptions are:
      1. Horse names
      2. User names

    D. Utilizing other languages should not be seen as a way to circumvent the rules listed above

  11. Blacklisting members is not allowed, this includes on or off Celestial Equine. This consists of multiple game members ganging up on someone because of a disagreement of some kind, and blocking them from game resources such as auctions/breeding/sales/etc. If you are caught being involved in this type of activity you will be banned from Celestial Equine permanently.

  12. Do not ask people for personal information or share personal information.

  13. All users created content on this site should be PG-13. Do not discuss inappropriate subject matter such as illicit drugs, underage drinking, hacking, self harm, suicide, abuse, explicit sexuality, or other topics that are not PG-13.

    A. PG-13 means not extending conversation to the following:
      1. Adult material such as adult activities
      2. Harsh language
      3. Intense graphic violence
      4. Drug abuse
      5. Nudity

    B. Any R rated content (listed in 13.A) is not allowed on any of Celestial Equine's platforms (game mail, forums, Discord, etc).

  14. Celestial Equine is open and welcoming to everyone from all races, ethnicities, sexual orientations, political views, etc. We explicitly prohibit offensive behavior (e.g. derogatory comments towards other players of a specific gender or ethnicity, etc.) To keep Celestial Equine age-appropriate (13+) as well as a safe environment for all, please refrain from discussing any and all controversial and/or inappropriate topics.

  15. Members are not permitted to post/share that they are planning to commit suicide or to seek advice because they are suicidal. Please contact your local suicide hotline and medical professionals.

  16. You may not ask for advice related to medical issues, veterinary issues, highly personal, or psychiatric issues. Please seek help from professionals in these cases.

  17. If someone blocks you, do not try to get around the block or use others to contact them. Respect their wishes. Stop contacting a player as soon as they have asked you to stop messaging them. Do not engage with them in further conversation via PMs, the forum, Discord, or elsewhere.

     A. If you receive unwanted private message, here is what you do:
      1. Ask the sender of the unwanted PM politely and non-aggressively to stop messaging you.
      2. If you still receive replies after sending this "please stop" message, please report the player to a moderator with screenshots. Please do not report a player if their only further reply was a brief apology or confirmation.
      3. Please do not reply to any further messages from that player. Do not engage in conversation with them via PMs, the forum, Discord, or anywhere else.

  18. Spamming is not allowed. Spamming includes, but is not limited to, duplicate posting on forums or in chat/shoutbox, sending the same message to multiple members, ALL CAPS, irrelevant/very off-topic messages, and spamming other stables' gamemail. This means don't send gamemail to other stables asking them to buy your horses, or breed to your horses, or any other spam type requests.

  19. Be kind to new players. They have just joined the game and we want them to feel welcomed. They may not know what the going value of an item, horse, etc is. If they send an offer to you that you may consider a "low-ball" offer, please keep in mind they may not understand the value. Take the chance to patiently and kindly educate them of what a better offer would be and why.

  20. Harassment of a player for not knowing what the current value of an item, horse, etc is will not be tolerated by anyone.

     A. You may either decline the offer,
     B. Or take the opportunity to politely educate the player without malice or snark.
     C. Harassment of a player for declining your offer will also not be tolerated. Accept that your offer was declined and move on.


Game Exploitations

  1. If a bug is found, please report it immediately. Any player found exploiting a bug will be banned from the game. 
  2. Do not trade retirement barns. The player that it is traded to will not be able to use it. Any players found trading retirement barns will get one warning. If found to be a repeat offender will be banned from the game.  


Additional Discord Rules

  1. You must be at least 13 years old to join Discord per TOS of Discord.

  2. You are not allowed to block moderators or any other staff members as it is important for us to be able to contact you.

  3. You may not leave and re-enter Discord to avoid a mute.

  4. If an issue arises you should take screenshots and privately message an admin or moderator for them to handle the problem.

  5. Please make sure the content you are posting is in the correct channel.

  6. You may not spam the server.

  7. Any and all other Discord servers created by players do not fall under our protection. If you decide to join another player's server, make sure to protect yourself when necessary. Leave the server and block players if the environment becomes toxic or when you feel harassed. Report the server to one of the moderators, including screenshots of the behavior.

    1. We may not be able to moderate that player created server, but we do expect you to uphold Celestial Equine's rules or corrective action may be taken.


Private Breeds and Genetics



Celestial Equine has a fantastic feature where players are able to purchase genetics and breeds for real life currency to be added to the game. This adds an amazing player dynamic where they can shape the genetics of Celestial Equine for generations to come!

  1. A player who has private breed or genetics have three options

      A. Public - A breed or genetic set to public can be created by any player in both standard creation areas and the premium builder.

      B. Private - A breed or genetic set to private can only be created by the breed registry owner.

      C. Private with approved creators - A breed or genetic set to private but allowing approved creators can have the ability to add players to an approved creation list. This allows additional players to build a private breed in both creation areas. This approval can also be revoked by the breed or genetic creator.

  2. If you have a private breed or genetic, be very careful who you allow access to your resources. Once the genetic is released outside of yourself you only may make suggestions as to how you'd like that breed or genetic trait circulating Celestial Equine before you allow that player access.

      A. Once you allow a player access you lose your full control over that breed or genetic. Celestial Equine staff will not enforce your suggestions on how you'd like that breed or genetic circulation.

      B. By opening up your breed or genetic you will not be able to enforce:

        1. Who purchases the breed or genetic from that allowed player.
        2. The prices of the item or breed.
        3. The sale, breeding, or Adoption of the horse/item.

  3. If you open your private resources to the public, by one or many players, you assume the risk that your breed or genetic will eventually end up in locations you may not like.

  4. Do not harass, bully, antagonize, etc players because they put a horse up for sale for a price you don't think is worthy of that breed or genetic. It is no longer strictly yours because you gave that player access to it.

  5. Do not harass, bully, antagonize, etc players because they put a horse in the Adoption Lot and it is your private breed or genetic.

  6. Do not create groups to try and gang up on a player because they have a private breed or genetic that you want access to.

      A. If a player tells you no, they won't release that breed or genetic leave it at that.

      B. If a player asks for permission for access to a breed or genetic that is private and you'd like to keep it private, nicely explain that.

  7. Do not falsely befriend someone just to simply gain access to the resources they have.

  8. Do not create Discord private messages or severs for the sole purpose of trying to gain access to a breed or genetic that another player has.

  9. If you find evidence that there is malicious activity toward another member to gain access to their private breed or genetic please bring all proof to a moderator or admin to be handled accordingly.




The following, but not limited to, consequences are repercussions to not following the site's game, forum, and Discord rules.

  1. First offence: verbal warning

  2. Second offence: One (1) day site and/or Discord suspension.

  3. Third offence: Three (3) day site and/or Discord suspension.

  4. Fourth offence: One (1) week site and/or Discord suspension.

  5. Fifth offence: Two (2) week site and/or Discord suspension.

  6. Any offence following a two week suspension will result in your account(s) being reviewed by site admins for permanent suspension.

Warning: Creating accounts to get around a site suspension will result in all your accounts being locked for an extended to permanent time. Celestial Equine is not bound to honor these set consequences. They may be altered to fit the degree of rule breaking.



In setting up the guidelines Celestial Equine will provide swift and fair moderation on any rule breaking.

  1. All reports will be handled swiftly with a maximum 24 hour turnaround time.

  2. All cases will be reviewed and handled fairly and without bias.

  3. Not all reports are on a case by case basis. If there are multiple notes and occasions of rule breaking, a player account(s) may be reviewed on a cumulative basis.

  4. If you have reported rule breaking and have not received a response from the moderator reported in 24 hours, please escalate the issue by then reporting it to an admin.




When a member is reported for harassment (begging for coins, gems, horses, etc), the following should occur:

  • First offense - warning and note in profile

  • Second offense - warning and 5,000 coin fine

  • Third offense - 3-day ban

  • Final offense - permanent ban


It is not our desire to fine or ban players, and we hope this is not something we ever have to do! Please abide by the listed rules, as they are very simple to follow.




  • All images on Celestial Equine are copyright to the game.

  • If you own the image(s) used, this includes drawings you have done, please just credit yourself.

  • If you did not create a drawn image, please credit the artist. This includes the usage of photographs or stock images. All images used must be apart of creative commons or free to use stock unless you have written consent from the copyright holder for use of the image on Celestial Equine. This rule pertains to any art including avatars, layouts, etc. When in doubt, credit your sources. Uncredited artwork will be removed.

  • Art theft is a punishable offense. Please only use images that you have permission to use. This includes tracing or manipulating copyrighted images.

  • Artists may not sell their artwork for real currency, DA points, currency from other games, etc.



Celestial Equine offers a unique opportunity with our Art Depot to order and design items for your horses here are rules that apply for our Art Depot:

  • Though you may have designed the custom all artwork is owned and copyrighted to Celestial Equine. You may not use any of CE's artwork off the site.

  • Gem payment must be paid upon completion of your order if not paid before. Failure to pay for your artwork may result in you being ineligible to order artwork in the future as well as your ordered artwork not being added to the game.

  • Orders may not be modified once a quote is given by the artist. This cuts down on confusion and keeps the quote valid for both the artist and player who has ordered the breed/genetic/wearable.

  • If you would like to add-on to an order, simply place a new order! This should be a new thread.

  • The upload/release time for a completed order is contingent on the number of completed orders currently on the upload list. An admin will post an estimated release date on your order thread upon artist completion!



When a member is found taking advantage of the user referral area/mining for gems:

  • Falsely earned gems removed

  • 10,000 coin fine

  • Permanent documentation on player profile

Should a player be found guilty of mining for gems a second time, they will immediately permanently banned.

Other Sites

Celestial Equine supports other sites, we do not restrict on the discussion or involvement with.


  • Any trading must be with game currency only. Any use of real life currency is strictly forbidden. 
  • There is to be no selling of accounts. This includes for game currency or real life currency.




Thank you!

We want to hear from you and encourage comments, critiques, questions, and suggestions. We ask that you simply stay on topic, respect other people's opinions, avoid profanity, offensive statements, illegal content, and anything else that might otherwise violate our standard terms and conditions.



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