Celestia Stores

Last Updated: 2020-06-19

Each store has its own stock of unique items! You can find tack, wearables, food, toys, and more within each store. Stores are restocked 15 minutes after the last item is purchased, so it is a good idea to check the stores regularly.

~The General Store~

The General store contains basic everyday items such as food and basic tack items such as saddles, bridles, etc.

~The Celestial Market~

The Celestial Market has special wearables and fancier foods that give your horses specialized boosts.

~The Tack Shop~

The tack shop contains basic tack for your horse.

~The Armory~

The Armory sells advanced tack made for battling. It also sells special magic items and potions to use to your advantage when battling. 

~The Magic Shop~

The Magic shop is a place to get rare items that can be used to change the appearance of your horses.

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