Breed Registration

Last Updated: 2020-08-23

Registered breeds are player-created breeds made by using pre-existing public genetics in Celestial Equine to create your very own special breed. You must have a registration scroll in your inventory to create a breed.

Registry scrolls can be found in the cash shop, gained from completing the tutorial, or bought from a player's store.

How to Register a Breed

To register a breed, go to the Library from the Celestia Map (Explore menu button).

From there, scroll down until you see your eligible horses for registration. Click the Register Breed button underneath the horse you'd like to create a breed from.

In the proceeding page, fill out the appropriate information for your new breed!

Please note that while a breed description is not required, it is encouraged as it would be helpful for other players to get to know your breed better!

Also note: a public breed can be seen to all players, and any player can create your custom breed! A private breed, however, cannot be created by other players. Only players with permissions will be able to create a private breed.

When you have filled in all appropriate boxes, and selected (and double-checked!) all the genetics you'd like on your breed, click Create This Breed button! Your very own breed will be sent for approval by a staff member - when it's approved, it'll be live on site!

If you would like to purchase a private custom breed, you can use the breed book to search for that particular breed and its respective owner.

Also, you may come across private custom breeds for auction or for trade in the Celestial Mercantile, which can be accessed from the Celestia Map!


  • Player registered breeds have two permission options; public or private with approved creators.
    • Public - Breeds set to public can be created by any player in both the standard creation areas and the premium builder.
    • Private (with approved creators) - Breeds set to private but the owner has the ability to add players to an approved creation list. This allows additional players to build the private breed in both creation areas.
  • Players have the option to charge gems, coins, or set the permissions application amount to no fee.
  • Please be aware all breed rules set by breed owners are not enforced by game staff. When allowing players to create your private breeds, or making the decision to make a breed public, breed owners assume the risk of breed rules not being followed.

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