
Last Updated: 2020-06-21

At the upper left hand corner of your page you will see a little a little envelope icon: this icon is a link to all the notifications you receive. What follows is the notifications you get and what they mean.

Messaging is a way to contact someone privately one on one. To compose a message just click on the envelop at the top left corner, click compose, type the player's ID in the ID box, enter a subject, and write your message! To check your message, click the envelope and then click on the title of the message to open it. There will be a little red bubble showing how many notifications you have if you have any.

When you see that you have a notification for replies, it means that someone has replied to a thread you created on the forum. If you hover over the envelope at the top so that the drop down menu comes down, then click on the "Replies" it will take you to the forum where there will be a list at the top of all your threads that have replies.

Did you know that you can tag other users on the forum? You can! All you need to do is the simple tag "@PlayerName" and they will get a ping message that you tagged them. The same will go for if someone tags you, you will get a notification that you will see at the top. If you hover over the envelope at the top and then click on the "Pings" it will bring you to the forum where there will be a list of all the threads you have been tagged in.

The news page when you first log in is updated frequently with all kind of different and exciting news. You will get a notification when ever a new news post has been added which you will have to be sure to check out!

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