
Last Updated: 2020-06-21

The barns is where your horses are kept nice and cozy. Each barn holds 12 horses. Extra barns can be purchased in the cash shop for 3 gems. On your barn page you will be able to see the capacity of each of the barns. Once you have over 12 barns, subsequent barns will be on sequential pages.

Once you are in a barn you can customize it a little bit. You can change the name, change the barn image (for upgraded players only), and edit the description of the barn.

On the barn page you are also able to view your horses. It will tell you their name, their breed, their gender, and their age. Also you are able to move your horse to another barn on this page. You simply click the drop down menu under your horse and select the new barn that you would like to move them to. You can do this for multiple horses at one time. Select the barn you want for each horse (or don't change it if you want the horse to stay) then click the save button at the bottom of the page.

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