Creating Horses

Last Updated: 2020-05-09

There are 18 origin worlds (think theme division!) where you have a huge variety of horses to choose from to create. You can choose from two different types of horse creation depending on if you have upgraded your account or not; first creator is the Standard Breed Creator which is available to all accounts, the second is the Build a Horse which you can create a horse from scratch if you have a premium account. Genetic stats are given at random 0-50.

Standard Breed Creator

When using the Standard Breed Creator you are able to select a few parameters for your horse. Once you select your origin world, you are able to choose the breed, the gender, the discipline your horse will train and compete under, and finally choose your horse's name. As for the horse's look the game will generate the horse's genetics within the breed's available characteristics.

Build a Horse [upgraded]

The Build a Horse is a lot more detailed and involved in regards to options. You will be able to choose the same features as the Standard Breed Creator; the breed, the gender, the discipline your horse will train and compete under, and your horse's name but you are able to do so much more beyond that!

You can choose which type of decoration, the color of its wings, color of the horns, style and color of your horse's mane and tail, the body color, hoof color, which body type (i.e. Warmblood, Arabian, etc) your horse will look like, and so much more! The options are endless! You are in total control of your horse's genetics.

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